Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.大家好,我是主持人李莹亮。Coming up on today’s program.重点提要 Another 28 local infections were reported in the Chinese mainland on Thursday, a new high of the recent COVID-19 resurgence;China’s October mortgage rates fell for first time this year.Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours 中国经济要闻Delta is back, again. This time, the Northwest suffers the blow.Since two tourists originally from Shanghai were found COVID-19 positive in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province on October 16, this wave of epidemic resurgence has spilled to at least 10 provinces and cities as of Thursday.Transmission links related to the latest flare-up continue to expand as the original transmission source remains unclear. China reported 28 new domestically transmitted cases on Thursday, affecting Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Beijing, Guizhou and Qianghai around the country, bringing the total number to 70.Officials in Beijing, which is busy gearing up for its hosting of the 2022 Winter Games in February, vowed stringent efforts against the virus, while parts of northern China braced for more curbs. The district where one local infection was spotted on Tuesday in Beijing is under soft lockdown and screenings are underway.However, health experts believe the sporadic outbreaks are common and China is able to to curb the epidemic resurgence soon. Shao Yiming, a leading physician and immunologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said China's epidemic prevention and control strategy in the past had proven effective as more than 80 percent of the population is now fully vaccinated.冬天的脚步越来越近,德尔塔病毒又一次卷土重来,今冬疫情”攻防战“被迫提前吹响号角。本次疫情的起点源自一个上海出发的7人旅行团。自10月16日陕西西安通报2名上海籍游客核酸阳性以来,截至目前,本轮疫情已经涉及陕西、宁夏、甘肃、内蒙古、湖南、北京、贵州、河北、湖北、青海等10省份,而该旅行团已全员确诊。昨天,全国共报告本土确诊病例28例,创下9月23日以来近一个月新高,分布在七个省市,主要集中在西北部。自10月16日以来,已累计确诊70名本土病例。目前,北京已进入冬奥会倒计时,19日发现一例北京本土病例后,丰台区进入疫情防控紧急状态。北部内蒙古、甘肃等地区也已开始采取管制措施。但专家认为,本次疫情波动属于当前防控阶段的常态,无需过分紧张。中国疾病预防控制中心首席专家、研究员邵一鸣周四表示,随着防控能力的不断进步,中国完全有底气和实力做到精准防控,减少对经济和民众生活的影响。中国完全接种疫苗的比例已超过80%,已建立起的免疫屏障可显著减少新冠病毒的感染风险,大幅减轻疫情。By the end of 2020, China had been the world's second largest import market for 12 consecutive years, and a major export destination for many countries and regions, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. Data of China's foreign trade shows that the country's imports hit a historic high of 2 trillion in the first three quarters, a 32.6 percent jump year-on-year.商务部新闻发言人束珏婷21日表示,截至2020年年底,中国已连续12年成为全球第二大进口市场,也是许多国家和地区的主要出口目的地。中国前三季度外贸数据近日出炉。从进口看,1至9月,中国进口近2万亿美元,同比增长32.6%,规模创历史新高。Greater Bay Area, Greater Future新使命,大未来Financial regulators in Hong Kong and the Mainland are pushing to allow the southbound trading of stocks via the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect to be priced in yuan, said Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po. He added that the stock and bond connect programs are warmly welcomed by international investors and are helpful to further develop an important platform in Hong Kong to offer RMB-denominated assets as well as promote the process of RMB internationalization. 香港财政司司长陈茂波昨日表示,将提升发行及交易人民币证券需求,为上市公司及投资者提供更多人民币投融资选项。香港证监会、港交所及金管局已成立联合工作小组,就推动容许“港股通”南向交易的股票以人民币计价进行可行性研究,以期尽快制订详细的建议措施。Next on industry and company news产经消息及公司新闻The average mortgage rate in China’s major cities declined in October for the first time this year. The average mortgage rate in 90 major cities for first-home purchases was 5.73 percent, and the rate for second-home purchases stood at 5.99 percent, both 1 basis point down from last month, according to Beike Research Institute.10月20日,贝壳研究院发布2021年10月重点城市主流房贷利率简报。报告显示,监测的90城主流首套房贷利率为5.73%,二套利率为5.99%,均较上月下调1个基点,为年内首次环比下降。Huawei got a sweetheart deal on a piece of industrial land in its home city of Shenzhen, apparently paying a below market price for the over-500,000-square-meter plot. The tech giant paid 298 million yuan ($46.6 million) for the plot for up to 760,000 square meters of total floor space, costing Huawei less than 400 yuan per square meter. 10月18日,华为技术有限公司以底价将龙华区一宗工业用地收入囊中。据深圳公共资源交易平台周二发布的通知显示,华为斥资2.98亿元买下了这块地块,总建筑面积可达76万平方米,每平方米仅不到400元。Chinese smartphone maker Oppo is reported to be developing its own high-end semiconductors for its flagship mobile phones, joining a race by smartphone makers—including Apple, Samsung, Huawei and Google—to develop in-house processors in pursuit of a competitive edge. 中国手机厂商OPPO正在研发一款3纳米制程的手机芯片。如果成功,将使其成为苹果、三星、华为、谷歌之后,又一家拥有自研系统级(SoC)芯片的手机厂商。Switching gears to the financial sector金融市场要闻China’s recent crackdown on illegal activities, such as monopoly and “disorderly expansion of capital,” shouldn’t be seen as targeting the private economy, an official at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) told a press conference yesterday. Yi Huiman, chairman of China's top securities regulator, said on the Financial Street Forum a day earlier that China must pay more attention to the regulation and guidance of capital amid ongoing registration-based reforms, which aim to make capital market mechanisms play a bigger role in IPO process.昨天,国家发展改革委体改司司长徐善长在新闻发布会表示,近段时间,有关部门针对资本无序扩张、垄断等违法违规行为出台了监管举措。这些举措不针对特定所有制企业,更不是针对特定所有制的特定企业。周三2021金融街论坛年会上,中国证监会主席易会满表示,在注册制改革过程中,必须更加注重对资本的规范引导、趋利避害,加强对特定敏感领域融资并购活动的从严监管,同时要建立防止资本无序扩张的机制。During the Financial Street Forum yesterday, China’s top financial regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, vowed to make greater efforts to improve the regulatory framework of the private fund industry as part of systemic moves to beef up the role of equity financing in serving innovative startups. Also, a senior official from the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) said the indebtedness of Chinese developer Evergrande Group is an individual case and will not have a major impact on the entire industry and the credit of Chinese companies. 昨日在2021金融街论坛年会上,证监会市场二部主任王建平表示将推动私募条例尽快出台,完善私募办法及配套规则建设。同时持续督导行业提升合规水平,特别是要提高管理人对科技创新企业的深度理解以及投后管理的专业能力,提升服务直接融资的质效。而银保监会统计信息与风险监测部负责人刘忠瑞谈恒大问题时指出,这是个别现象和个别企业的问题,不会对行业或者是对整个中资企业的信誉带来大的影响。Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market最后来看股市收盘情况Chinese stocks closed mixed on Friday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index down 0.34 percent, at 3582 points. The Shenzhen Component Index closed 0.33 percent higher at 14492 points. The Hang Seng Index closed 0.42 percent higher to stand at 26126 points. 周五A股股市涨跌不一,截至收盘,沪指跌0.34%,报收3582点;深成指涨0.33%,报收14492点。港股恒生指数涨0.42%,报收26126点。Biz Word of the Day财经词汇划重点A Sweetheart Deal is an agreement of any type that generally consists of one party presenting another party with a proposal so attractive and potentially lucrative that it is difficult to turn down.甜心交易是指一方向另一方提出一个非常有吸引力的、很难拒绝的报价的协议。(欢迎大家提供意见和反馈,请联系主播李莹亮:
[email protected])Executive Editor: Sonia YUEditor: LI YanxiaHost: Stephanie LIWriter: Stephanie LI, ZHANG Ran, TIAN ChangProducer: XIANG XiufangSound Editor: ZHANG Ran, Andy YUANGraphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO WanniCo-produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News & SFC Audio/Video Dept.Presented by SFC编委: 于晓娜策划、编辑:李艳霞 播音:李莹亮撰稿:李莹亮、张然、田畅监制:向秀芳 音频制作:张然、袁思杰 设计:郑文静、廖苑妮21世纪经济报道海外部 南财音视频部 联合制作南方财经全媒体集团 出品